After years of friendship turned romance, Austin Mullins and Jack Richards, both from the US, embarked on a life-changing journey that began with a trip to New York’s Fire Island in 2020. Returning to NYC as a couple, they moved in together, got engaged two years later, and tied the knot in early 2023 before relocating to Uruguay.
Now living in Montevideo as permanent residents, the couple credits the South American country’s stable political climate, strong LGBTQ protections, and vibrant culture as key factors in their decision to move. Their initial dream of renovating a historic property was put on hold due to mortgage challenges for non-nationals, but they’ve embraced the slower-paced lifestyle by renting an apartment in Parque Rodó, enjoying its proximity to parks and the beach.
The pandemic played a pivotal role in shaping their plans, inspiring them with the British reality show Escape to the Chateau and motivating them to seek a new adventure in a Spanish-speaking country. Uruguay’s affordable living, fresh produce, and welcoming environment have made it a perfect fit, even as they navigate cultural and linguistic differences.
Though they’ve found locals to be friendly yet reserved, Austin and Jack are gradually building a sense of community and adapting to their new life. With Montevideo’s European-inspired culture and laid-back pace, the couple says they’ve found a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle far from their fast-paced New York roots.